Shop 5: T-Shirts

T-Shirts = Plastic transfer image on 100% cotton T-Shirt
- The T-shirts have regular life but turn T-shirt inside out when washing for transfer to last longer. 

4 'Ceasefire now' T-Shirts = 9€ each *

'Ceasefire now' T-shirt 1: Medium
'Ceasefire now' T-shirt 2: Medium

'Ceasefire now' T-shirt 3:Big

'Ceasefire now' T-shirt 4:Big

... all profit (*2€64) T-Shirt = 5€36 , sell at 9€: profit = 2€64 

Original plan: I + CHOCAArts link up with an art group in Palestine, donate art equipment and swap drawings. 
However so much has been / is still being destroyed there who knows what / if anything will remain. So the idea needs to be adapted: eg the same swapping pictures idea but now with a refugee palestinian / lebanese art group

Other TShirts with any of my drawings / paintings

'Ceasefire now' T-Shirts = 8€ each   

T-shirts = Imagem de transferência plástica em 100% algodão
PS Vire a t-shirt do avesso ao lavar para que a transferência dure mais tempo.

T-Shirts = Plastic transfer image on 100% cotton T-Shirt. These T-shirts have regular life but turn T-shirt inside out when washing for transfer to last longer. 
'Ceasefire now' T-shirt 1: Medium

Profit goes to a community art group... 
Original plan: CHOCAArts * + myself link up with an art group in Palestine, donate art equipment and swap drawings. However so much has been / is still being destroyed there who knows what / if anything will remain. So the idea needs to be adapted: eg the same swapping pictures idea but now with a refugee palestinian / lebanese art group

* / Instagrams + FB = chocaarts )
... all profit (*2€64) T-Shirt = 5€36 , sell at 8€: profit = 2€64 

Lucro** das vendas: Plano = Com a CHOCAArts, junte-se a um grupo de arte da comunidade palestiniana, doe equipamento de arte + troque desenhos / faça sessões de desenho online.
                                                                   Profit** from sales: Plan = With CHOCAArts, link up with a Palestinian art group, donate art equipment + swap drawings / have online drawing sessions. 


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