.Expos / Inaug. Nites

 EXPOS If u would like to receive invites to inauguration nites  /  special discounts  send me an email with 'Dave's Art' and I'll add u to my mailing :)  > artdavidmeehan@gmail.com // + 351 969 534 520 

1: current // 2 permanent // 3 future // some oldies

1/5: Current Individual Expositions

Expo. 10 pinturas  //  10Paintings: David Meehan: 

Place: Galeria Café https://www.facebook.com/galeriacafecaldas , R. Belchior de Matos 10B, Caldas: 1 min walk to LaVie Shopping, > 

Inaug. Lanche: Venha desenhar  //   Inaug. Afternoon Teatime: Come 'n' draw = 16h - 18h, Domingo, 15 de Sete  //  4 - 6 pm, Sunday, 15th Sept..  

Date: 8 Sept.- 7 Nov




2/5: Permanent Expositions

a: Mercearia Zen > https://www.facebook.com/MerceariaZen  Rua José Pedro Ferreira n°9, Caldas 1 min from CCC - Caldas Cultural Centro

Various artists including 9 or 10 of my paintings  


b: Flavours of India Restaurant > https://www.facebook.com/flavoursofindiacr  

Calçada da Praça 5 de Outubro, nº 5, Caldas
Various artists including 2 of my paintings



3/5: Future Individual Expositions
Dates: Nov. 9th - : Sat. 9th = inaug aternoon
Place: Rua 25 de Abril, n.º 116, 2460-162 Alcobaça


4/5: Future Collective Expositions
A: Expo. Artists Caldas da Rainha 
7 or 8 artists still to be confirmed
Dates: Nov. - Dec

Inaug. Nite:
Place: Galeria Café, R. Belchior de Matos 10B, Caldas: 1 min walk to LaVie Shopping,


5/5: Old random stuff 

FOTOS... These fotos r from a 1-off fund-raising party event i help organise in Love and Dye Hairdresser  > https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=love%26dye%20hair&em=1



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